BULGARIAN ENERGY & MINING FORUM ® is a non-governmental organization members of legal and physical persons with experience and attitude to the problems of the development of the energy sector both nationally and internationally. The Association is a forum for the broad public basis with the participation of producers and consumers of electricity, the academic and scientific community, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, experts and professionals from various government departments and institutions, private and public companies from the industry, associations of capital, industry and trade union organisations, representatives of the media and creative unions.

Energy Magazine
Ние сме Ел Медиа - издателство за специализирана техническа периодика.
Основани сме през 1999 година.
Работим в пет направления: строителство, инфраструктура, индустрия, енергетика и селско стопанство
Energy, Ecology and Economy
3E e водеща електронна медиа за информация и анализи на всички значими процеси, събития и факти и тенденции в областта на енергетиката, екологията, икономиката, устойчивото развитие и финансирането на проекти